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Calmet, Augustin (1725-1731): Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale Sacræ Scripturæ, authore A. R. P. D. Augustino Calmet ordinis S. Benedicti, Abbate S. Leopoldi Nanciensis; è Gallico in Latinum translatum, & nonnihil expurgatum. 4 vols, 1st ed., vol. 1: 81 p., 449 p. [=530 p.]; vol. 2: 552 p.; Supplement vol. 1: [XIII p.], VIII p., 347 p. [=368 p.]; Supplement vol. 2: 452 p., Lucca. folio,

Calmet, Augustin (1722-1728): Dictionnaire historique, critique, chronologique, géographique et littéral de la Bible, enrichi d'un grand nombre de figures en taille-douce, qui représentent les antiquitez judaïques. Par le Reverend Pere Dom Augustin Calmet, Religieux Bénédictin, Abbé de Saint Léopold de Nancy. 4 vols, 1st ed., vol. 1: [XVIII], CVIII, [XXVIII], 506, [I] p.; vol. 2: [IV], 564, [II], CXXXV, [I] p.; vol. 3: [IV], XX, 464 p.; vol. 4: [IV], 476, CCXXIV, [II] p., Paris. vol. 1: frontispiece title-page vignette several maps between the Bibliothèque sacrée and the beginning of the letter A various further illustrations (for an overview see last page); vol. 2: title-page vignette illustrations of different types of coins (between p. 562 and 563); vol. 3: title-page vignette, several illustrations throughout the volume (for an overview see p. 463-464); vol. 4. title-page vignette, several illustrations throughout the volume (for an overview see last two pages), folio,

Calmet, Augustin (1730-1730): Dictionnaire historique, critique, chronologique, géographique et littéral de la Bible, enrichi de plus de trois cent figures en taille-douce, qui représentent les Antiquitez Judaïques. Nouvelle édition revue, corrigée, et augementée, dans laquelle le Supplément a été exactement refondu. 4 vols, 2nd ed., vol. 1:[ii], 14, [ii], cxxiv, 568 p. vol. 2: [ii], 746 p. vol. 3: [ii], 724 p. vol. 4: [ii], 568 p., Paris. vol. 1: frontispiece title-page vignette illustrations of different types of coins (between p. lxvii-lxxi) several maps between p. cxxiv and the beginning of the letter A various further illustrations vol. 2: title-page vignette various further illustrations vol. 3: title-page vignette, various further illustrations vol. 4. title-page vignette, various further illustrations, folio,


D'Oyly, Samuel and Colson, John and Calmet, Augustin (1732-1732): An Historical, Critical, Geographical, Chronological, and Etymological Dictionary of the Holy Bible, in three Volumes. Wherein are Explained all the Proper Names mentioned in the Old or New Testament, whether of Men, Women, Cities, Countries, Rivers, Mountains &c. as also Most of the Significant and Remarkable Appellatives that any where occur therein. With accounts of All the Natural Productions, as Animals, Vegetables, Minerals, Stones, Gems, &c. The Whole digested into Alphabetical Order, and Illustrated with above one hundred and sixty copper-plates. Representing the Antiquities, Habits, Buildings, Sepulchres, and other Curiosities of the Jews. To which is annexed, Bibliotheca sacra, or a Copious Catalogue of the Best Editions and Versions of the Bible; With a large Account of the most Valuable Commentaries, Expositions, and Paraphrases upon the Whole, or any Part thereof, and the Authors of the same. And An ample chronological Table of the History of the Bible, a Jewish Calendar, Tables of all the Hebrew Coins, Weights, and Measures, reduced to our own. A Dissertation upon Jewish Coins and Medals; another upon the tacticks of the ancient Hebrews, by the Chevalier Folard: concluding with a Literal Translation of all the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, and Greek Names in the Bible. With prefaces proper to each part. Written originally in French, by the Reverend Father Dom Augustin Calmet, a Benedictine Monk, Abbot of Senones. And now translated into English, from the Author’s last edition, with occasional remarks, by Samuel D‘Oyly, M. A. late Fellow of Trinity-College in Cambridge and Vicar of St. Nicolas, Rochester: and John Colson, M. A. F.R.S. and Vicar of Chalk in Kent. 3 vols, 1st ed., vol. 1: [5], X p., 917 p.; vol. 2: 779 p., [I p.]; vol. 3: 740 p., London. vol. 1: copper-plates on pp. 2, 26, 36, 54, 108 (6x), 150, 172, 178, 182, 190 (3x), 191, 194, 232, 236, 260, 284, 286, 352, 354 (2x), 364, 382, 394, 410, 418, 426, 414, 416 (2x), 454, 472, 506, 512, 528, 542 (2x), 568, 624, 664, 670, 688, 720, 738, 764 (2x), 766 (2x), 770, 844, 846, 886, 888, 904; vol. 2: copper-plates on pp. 6, 32, 52 (2x), 62 (3x), 66 (2x), 110, 118 (2x), 120, 128, 134, 174, 194, 242, 244, 246, 266 (3x), 298, 302, 312, 314, 346 (2x), 352, 358 (2x), 374 (2x), 438 (2x), 440, 454, 460, 470, 482 (2x), 484 (5x), 486 (2x), 488, 504, 510, 566, 594, 614, 632, 644, 660 (4x), 662, 666, 718, 734, 776; vol. 3: Vignette (p. 1), V. III, A. The tabernacle uncovered (p. 1), V. III, B. The tabernacle with its curtains (p. 2), V. III, C. The great Hosannah or ceremonies on the eigth day of the feast of tabernacles (p. 2), V. III, D. The feasts & rejoysings of the Jews during the feast of tabernacles (p. 4), V. III, E. A plan of Mount tabor and the parts adjacent (p. 4), V. III, F. A Jew Dressed for prayers (p. 8), V. III. G. The Holy of holies in the temple of solomon (p. 16), V. III. H. A new ground plot of the temple of solomon according to the author (p. 16), V. III. I. The view and elevation of solomons temple (p. 16), ... Copper-plates on pp. 1, 2 (2x), 4 (2x), 8, 16 (3x), 20 (4x), 22 (2x), 24, 28 (2x), 30, 54, 62, 64, 96 (2x), 100, 118 (2x), 120 (2x), 156, 174 (2x), 190, 546 (3x), 547, folio,


Gargon, Mattheus and Ostade, Jacob van and Westerhoff, Arnold Heinrich and Calmet, Augustin (1725-1731): Het algemeen groot historisch, oordeelkundig, chronologisch, geografisch, en letterlyk naam- en woord-boek van den gantschen H. Bybel. Versierd met noodige Landkaarten en koopere Plaaten, dienende tot de gedenk-stukken der jooden en andere oudheden, ter opheldering der H. Schrift. In’t Fransch beschreven door den Eerwaarden Heer, Augustinus Calmet, Abt van St. Leopoldus van Nancy. Nu in’t Nederduitsch overgezet, merkelyk vermeerdert, en met aanmerkingen verrykt, door Mattheus Gargon, Predikant en Rector te Vlissingen. 4 vols, 1st ed., vol. 1: [XXX], 92, [XX], 143, 321, 40, 19, [II] p.; vol. 2: [IV], 604, [VI], 230, [III] p.; vol. 3: [XX], 924, [XXIV] p.; vol. 4: [II], 924, [XXIV] p., Leiden, Amsterdam. vol. 1: frontispiece, title-page vignette, several maps between the Gewyde Boekzaal and the beginning of letter A several illustrations throughout the volume (for an overview see last page); vol. 2: title-page vignette, several illustrations throughout the volume (for an overview see last 2 page); vol. 3: several illustrations throughout the volume (for an overview see last page); vol. 4: several illustrations throughout the volume (for an overview see last page), folio,


Jöcher, Christian Gottlieb and Glöckner, Hieronymus Georg and Messerschmid, Johann Christian and Calmet, Augustin (1751-1754): Augustin Calmets, Abts von Senones, und Präsidentens der vannischen und hydulphischen Benedictiner zu Nancy, Biblisches Wörterbuch: worinnen, was zur Geschichte, Critik, Chronologie, Geographie, und zum buchstäblichen Verstande der heiligen Schrift gehöret, abgehandelt wird. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt, mit verschiedenen Anmerkungen begleitet, und unter Aufsicht, auch mit der Vorrede Herrn Christian Gottlieb Jöchers, der H. Schrift Doctoris, und öffentlichen Lehrers der Geschichte aus der Universität zu Leipzig, nebst den nöthigsten Kupfern herausgegeben von M. Hieronymus George Glöckner. 4 vols, 1st ed., vol. 1: [XX], 176, [II] (2 maps), 893, [IV] p.; vol. 2: [I], 1140, [VI] p.; vol. 3: [I], 1116, [IV] p.; vol. 4: [IV], 409, [XV], 604, [XXXIX] p., Liegnitz. vol. 1: frontispiece, I. Eine Tafel jüdischer Münzen, zu der vorläufigen Abhandlung von den geprägten Münzen der Hebräer (p. 111, 2nd count) II. Karte des gelobten Landes von dem Herrn Calmet. (n.p., right after p. 176, 2nd count), Karte von der Eintheilung des gelobten Landes nach dem Gesichte Ezequiels. (n.p., right before the beginning of letter A), IV. Karte von dem Lande, welches die Apostel durchschreitet sind. (is supposed to be following the map of the promised land, but is missing in this edition!), V. Eroberung der Stadt Ai, zu dem Artikel Ai (p. 161, 4th count), VI. Der Alraun mit seinen Blüthen und Früchten, No. 1 zu dem Artikel Alraun (p. 208, 4th count), VII. Künstliche Alraunen, No. 2 (p. 208, 4th count), VIII. Niederlage der Amalekiter bey Raphidim, zu dem Artikel Amalek (p. 222, 4th count), IX. Schlacht bey Asdod, wo Apollonius vom Judas Maccabäus geschlagen wurde, zu dem Artikel Apollonius (p. 327, 4th count), X. Abriß der Stadt Babylon, zu dem Artikel Babel (p. 469, 4th count), XI. Schlachtordnung der Heere des Antiochus Eupators und Judas Maccabäus bey Bethzachara, zu dem Artikel Bethzachara (p. 561, 4th count), XII. Die Säulen Jachin und Boas. Und: Grundriß des Brandopferaltars nach den Rabbinen (p. 628, 4th count); vol. 2: I. Einweihungsgebräuche der Republik der Hebräer durch den Ausruf des Segens und Fluchs (p. 3), II. Abbildung der Stadt Ephesus nach dem Herrn von Tournefort (p. 116), III. Abriß des alten Jerusalems nach dem Abt Calmet (p. 688), IV. Jerusalems Belagerung vom Nebucadnezar (p. 694), V. Jerusalems Eroberung vom Nebucadnezar (p. 694), VI. Schlacht des Jonathas mit dem Bacchides an dem Ufer des Jordans (p. 806), VII. Opfergebräuche der rothen Ruhe, welche vor dem israelitischen Lager verbrannt wurde (p. 1039), VIII. Schlacht bey Laisa zwischen dem Judas Maccabäus und Bacchides (p. 1054), IX. Abbildung der Lanze, womit Jesus durchstochen worden (p. 1063), X. Grundriß des Palastes, oder des Haußes vom Walde Libanon, welches Salomo bauen ließ (p. 1105), XI. Perspectivischer Abriß dieses Palastes (p. 1105); vol. 3: I. Abbildung eines Juden mit dem Mesusoth (p. 155), II. Schlacht der Israeliten mit den Midianitern (p. 168), III. Abbildung der musikalischen Instrumente, deren in der Schrift Meldung geschiehet (p. 230), IV. Abriß der Stadt Ninive, nach dem Diodorus Siculus und der Meynung des P. Kirchers (p. 314), V. Abbildung des Oelbergs, nach den neuen Reisebeschreibungen (p. 336), VI. Karte von der Lage des Paradieses, nach dem Lehrbegriffe des Abt Calmets (p. 397), VII. Noch eine Karte von der Lage des Paradieses, welche des Bischof Huetius Meynung davon vorstellt (p. 367), VIII. Einige falsche Götter der Samaritaner (p. 792), IX. Abbildung des Sanhedrins, oder des großen Raths der Juden (p. 821), X. Prospect der Berge Sinai und Horeb (p. 999); vol. 4: I. Karte von den Reisen und Zügen der Israeliten durch die Wüste (before p. 1, 2nd count), II. Grundriß des Tempels zu Jerusalem nach dem Verfasser (p. 30, 2nd count), III. Perspectivische Vorstellung des Tempels nach dem Verfasser (p. 30, 2nd count), IV. Grundriß des Tempels nach dem Herrn Brideaux (p. 36, 2nd count), V. Grundriß des vom Herodes dem Großen erbauten Tempels nach dem Josephus (p. 45, 2nd count), VI. Perspectivische Vorstellung eben dieses Tempels (p. 45, 2nd count), VII. Abbildung der Tephilim oder der Stirnblätter der Juden (p. 51, 2nd count), VIII. Abbildung des Berges Thabor (p. 67, 2nd count) (bad scan, only a part of the illustration is visible), IX. Zug des israelitischen Heeres durch die Wüste No. I (p. 406, 2nd count), X. Lager der Israeliten in der Wüste No. II.(p. 406, 2nd count), 4°,


Mansi, Gian Domenico and Calmet, Augustin (1726-1726): Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale Sacræ Scripturæ Cum figuris Antiquitates Judaicas repræsentantibus authore A. R. P. D. Augustino Calmet ordinis S. Benedicti, Abbate S. Leopoldi Nanciensis; è Gallico in Latinum translatum, & nonnihil expurgatum ab R. P. D. Jo: Dominico Mansi Lucensi, Congregationis Clericorum Regularium Matris Dei Professore. 2 vols, 1st ed., vol. 1: [XIII p.], 499 p.; vol. 2: 503 p., Venezia. vol. 1: foldable map on 4 pages (n. p., after p. 68), Ara thymiamatum (p. 156), Arca fœderis (p. 158), Columnæ Iachinet Booz (p. 219), Candelabrum aureum (p. 230), Tabula Itineris, & Stationum Israelitarum in Deserto ab formu egressu ex ægypto ad transitum iordanis (p. 234), Altare holocaustorum (p. 371), Nouvs Conspectus veteris Ierusalem ex Authoris Mente (p. 397), Levitarum vestitus (p. 477); vol. 2: Instrumenta musica quorum in Scriptura mentio (p. 73), Tabula paradisi terrestris [...] (p. 123, fold-out page), Tephili, seu Phylacteria Judæorum (p. 164), Tabula panum propositionis (p. 181), Pectorale seu Rationale Iudicii (p. 208), Summus pontifex vestibus pontificalibus indutus (p. 234), Theraphim simulacra Juxta Hebræos (p. 346), Nummi judaici (p. 440, 3 tables on 3 pages with n. p.), Numismata romana (n. p., 4th tabe of p. 440), folio,

Mansi, Gian Domenico and Calmet, Augustin (1795-1795): Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale Sacræ Scripturæ […] authore A. R. P. D. Augustino Calmet […] è gallico in latinum translatum, & nonnihil expurgatum. 2 vols, 6th ed., Venezia. folio,

Mansi, Gian Domenico and Calmet, Augustin (1788-1788): Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale Sacræ Scripturæ […] authore A. R. P. D. Augustino Calmet […] è gallico in latinum translatum, & nonnihil expurgatum. 2 vols, 4th ed., Augsburg. folio,

Mansi, Gian Domenico and Calmet, Augustin (1734-1734): Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale Sacræ Scripturæ, Cum figuris Antiquitates Judaicas repræsentantibus authore R. P. D. Augustino Calmet Ordinis S. Benedicti Abbate, e gallico in latinum translatum a Joanne Dominico Mansi, congregationis matris dei, Lucensi. Editio Veneta Secunda, cui addita sunt, & locis suis inserta ipsiusmet Auctoris supplementa. 2 vols, 2nd ed., vol. 1: [XIV], 144, 616 p.; vol. 2: 678 p., Venezia. vol. 1: Tabula [...] (n.p., foldout-page after p. 144), Ara thymiamatum (p. 108), Arca fœderis (p. 114), Columnæ Lachinet Booz (p. 191), Candelabrum aureum (p. 204), Tabula Itineris, & Stationum Israelitarum in Deserto ab formu egressu ex ægypto ad transitum iordanis (p. 216), Altare holocaustorum (p. 424), Nouvs Conspectus veteris Ierusalem ex Authoris Mente (p. 460), Levitarum vestitus (p. 582); vol. 2: Mandragora cum suis floribus et fructu (p. 17), Systemica Creationis Mundi juxta Moysem (p.86), Instrumenta musica (p. 90), Arbor genealogica descendentium adam et evæ (p. 120), Tabula paradisi terrestris [...] (p. 158, fold-out page), Tephili, seu Phylacteria Judæorum (p. 210), Tabula panum propositionis (p. 242), Pectorale seu Rationale Iudicii (p. 276), Summus pontifex vestibus pontificalibus indutus (p. 306), Habitus Simplicis Sacerdotis (p. 306), Tabernaculum (p. 432), Varia Falsa Numina a Samaritairis adorata (p. 434), Theraphim simulacra Juxta Hebræos (p. 462), Nummi judaici (p. 600), Numismata romana (p. 600), folio,

Mansi, Gian Domenico and Calmet, Augustin (1747-1747): Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale Sacræ Scripturæ, Cum figuris Antiquitates Judaicas repræsentantibus authore R. P. D. Augustino Calmet Ordinis S. Benedicti Abbate, e gallico in latinum translatum a Joanne Dominico Mansi, congregationis matris dei, Lucensi. Editio Veneta post Secundam, cui addita fuerant, & locis suis inserta ispiusmet Auctoris supplementa, Tertia, longe emendatior, & accuratior. 2 vols, 3rd ed., vol. 1: XII p., 144 p., 616 p.; vol. 2: 676 p., Venezia. vol. 1: Tabula terras promissæ (n.p., foldout-page after p. 144), Arbor genealogica descendentium adam et evæ (p. 26), Ara thymiamatum (p. 108), Arca fœderis (p. 112), Columnæ Lachinet Booz (p. 190), Candelabrum aureum (p. 204), Tabula Itineris, & Stationum Israelitarum in Deserto ab formu egressu ex ægypto ad transitum iordanis (p. 216), Altare holocaustorum (p. 224), Nouvs Conspectus veteris Ierusalem ex Authoris Mente (p. 460), Levitarum vestitus (p. 582); vol. 2: Mandragora cum suis floribus et fructu (p. 18), Systemica Creationis Mundi juxta Moysem (p.86), Instrumenta musica (p. 90), Arbor genealogica descendentium Noe e quo omnes mundi nationes post diluvium ortale sunt (p. 120), Tabula paradisi terrestris [...] (p. 158, fold-out page), Tephili, seu Phylacteria Judæorum (p. 214), Tabula panum propositionis (p. 242), Pectorale seu Rationale Iudicii (p. 276), Summus pontifex vestibus pontificalibus indutus (p. 306), Habitus Simplicis Sacerdotis (p. 306), Varia Falsa Numina a Samaritairis adorata (p. 334), Tabernaculum (p. 432), Theraphim simulacra Juxta Hebræos (p. 460), Nummi judaici (p. 595), Numismata romana (p. 595), folio,

Mansi, Gian Domenico and Calmet, Augustin (1757-1757): Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale Sacræ Scripturæ, Cum figuris Antiquitates Judaicas repræsentantibus authore R. P. D. Augustino Calmet Ordinis S. Benedicti Abbate, è gallico in latinum translatum a Joanne Dominico Mansi, congregationis matris dei, Lucensi. Editio Veneta Quarta, cui addita sunt, & locis suis inserta ipsiusmet Auctoris supplementa. 2 vols, 4th ed., vol. 1: ?; vol. 2: 676 p., Venezia. vol. 1: ?; vol. 2: Mandragora cum suis floribus et fructu (p. 18), Dudaim seu Mauz Arabum (p. 18), Systemica Creationis Mundi juxta Moysem (p. 86), Instrumenta musica (p. 90), Arbor genealogica descendentium Noe e quo omnes mundi nationes post diluvium ortale sunt (p. 121), Tabula paradisi terrestris [...] (p. 158, fold-out page), Tephili, seu Phylacteria Judæorum (p. 214), Tabula panum propositionis (p. 242), Pectorale seu Rationale Iudicii (p. 276), Summus pontifex vestibus pontificalibus indutus (p. 306), Habitus Simplicis Sacerdotis (p. 306), Varia Falsa Numina a Samaritairis adorata (p. 335), Tabernaculum (p. 432), Theraphim simulacra Juxta Hebræos (p. 462), Nummi judaici (p. 597), Numismata romana (p. 597), folio,

Mansi, Gian Domenico and Calmet, Augustin (1766-1766): Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale Sacræ Scripturæ, Cum figuris Antiquitates Judaicas repræsentantibus authore R. P. D. Augustino Calmet Ordinis S. Benedicti Abbate, è gallico in latinum translatum a Joanne Dominico Mansi, congregationis matris dei, Lucensi. Editio Veneta post Secundam, cui addita fuerant, & locis suis inserta ipsiusmet Auctoris Supplementa, Quinta, longe emendatior, & accuratior. 2 vols, 5th ed., vol. 1: XII p., 144 p., 616 p. [=772 p.]; vol. 2: 676 p., Venezia. vol. 1: Tabula terras promissæ (n.p., foldout-page after the Bibliotheca Sacra), Arbor genealogica descendentium adam et evæ (p. 26), Ara thymiamatum (p. 108), Arca fœderis (p. 112), Columnæ Lachinet Booz (p. 190), Candelabrum aureum (p. 204), Tabula Itineris, & Stationum Israelitarum in Deserto ab formu egressu ex ægypto ad transitum iordanis (p. 215), Altare holocaustorum (p. 424), Nouvs Conspectus veteris Ierusalem ex Authoris Mente (p. 460), Levitarum vestitus (p. 582); vol. 2: Mandragora cum suis floribus et fructu (p. 18), Dudaim seu Mauz Arabum (p. 18), Systemica Creationis Mundi juxta Moysem (p.86), Instrumenta musica (p. 90), Arbor genealogica descendentium Noe e quo omnes mundi nationes post diluvium ortale sunt (p. 120), Tabula paradisi terrestris [...] (p. 158, fold-out page), Tephili, seu Phylacteria Judæorum (p. 214), Tabula panum propositionis (p. 242), Pectorale seu Rationale Iudicii (p. 276), Summus pontifex vestibus pontificalibus indutus (p. 305), Habitus Simplicis Sacerdotis (p. 306), Tabernaculum (p. 433), Nummi judaici (p. 598), Numismata romana (p. 598), folio,

Mansi, Gian Domenico and Calmet, Augustin (1729-1736): Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale Sacræ Scripturæ, Cum figuris Antiquitates Judaicas repræsentantibus, authore A. R. P. D. Augustino Calmet Ordinis S. Benedicti, Abbate S. Leopoldi Nanciensis; è gallico in latinum translatum, & nonnihil expurgatum. Ab R.P.D. Joan. Dominico Mansi, Lucensi, Congregationis Clericorum Regularium Matris Del Professore. Cum Sacræ cæsareæ majestatis privilegio, et cum permissu superiorum. 4 vols, 1st ed., vol. 1: [X p.], 499 p.; vol. 2: 503 p.; vol. 3: [XVI p.], 347 p.; vol. 4: [IV p.], 452 p., Augsburg. vol. 1: Map on fold-out page (n. p., after p. 68), Ara thymiamatum (p. 156), Arca fœderis (p. 158), Columnæ Iachinet Booz (p. 219), Candelabrum aureum (p. 230), Tabula Itineris, & Stationum Israelitarum in Deserto ab formu egressu ex ægypto ad transitum iordanis (p. 234), Altare holocaustorum (p. 371), Nouvs Conspectus veteris Ierusalem ex Authoris Mente (p. 397), Levitarum vestitus (p. 477), vol. 2: Instrumenta musica quorum in Scriptura mentio (p. 73), Tabula paradisi terrestris [...] (p. 123, fold-out page), Tephili, seu Phylacteria Judæorum (p. 164), Tabula panum propositionis (p. 181), Pectorale seu Rationale Iudicii (p. 208), Summus pontifex vestibus pontificalibus indutus (p. 234), Theraphim simulacra Juxta Hebræos (p. 346), Nummi judaici (p. 440, 3 tables on 3 pages with n. p.), Numismata romana (n. p., 4th tabe of p. 440), folio,

Mansi, Gian Domenico and Calmet, Augustin (1738-1738): Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale Sacræ Scripturæ, Cum figuris Antiquitates Judaicas respræsentantibus, authore A. R. P. D. Augustino Calmet Ordinis S. Benedicti, Abbate S. Leopoldi Nanciensis; è Gallico in Latinum translatum, & nonnihil expurgatum. Ab R.P.D. Joan. Dominico Mansi, Lucensi, Congregationis Clericorum Regularium Matris Del Professore. Cum Sacræ Cæsareæ Majestatis Privilegio. Et Permissu Superiorum. Editio in Germania secunda, cui addita sunt, & Locis suis inserta ipsiusmet Auctoris Supplementa. 2 vols, 2nd ed., vol. 1: [XVII p.], 200 p., 762 p. [=979 p.]; vol. 2: 688 p., 180 p. [=868 p.], Augsburg. vol. 1: map on foldout-page (n. p., after p. 200 of the Bibliotheca Sacra), Arbor genealogica descendentium adam et evæ (p. 32), Ara thymiamatum (p. 136), Arca fœderis (p. 142), Columnæ Lachin et Booz (p. 236), Candelabrum aureum (p. 254), Tabula Itineris, & Stationum Israelitarum in Deserto ab formu egressu ex ægypto ad transitum iordanis (p. 268), Altare holocaustorum (p. 520), Nouvs Conspectus veteris Ierusalem ex Authoris Mente (p. 567), Levitarum vestitus (p. 720); vol. 2: Mandragora cum suis floribus et fructu (p. 20), Dudaim seu Mauz Arabum (p. 20), Nummi judaici (p. 68, 3 pages), Numismata Romana (p. 68), Systema Creationos Mundi Iuxta Moysem (p. 106, 2 pages), Instrumenta Musica (p. 112), Arbor genealogica descendentium Noe e quo omnes mundi nationes post diluvium ortale sunt (p. 150), Tabula paradisi terrestris (p. 200), Tephilim seu Phylacteria Iudæorum (p. 270), Tabula panum propositionis (p. 306), Pectorale seu Rationale Iudicii (p. 348), Summus Pontifex vestibus pontificalibus indutu (p. 386), Habitus Simplicis Sacerdotis (p. 388), Varia Falsa Numina a Samaritairis adorata (p. 420), Tabernaculum (p. 544), Theraphim Simulacra Iuxta Hebræos (p. 584), folio,

Mansi, Gian Domenico and Calmet, Augustin (1759-1759): R. P. D. Augustino Calmet Ordinis S. Benedicti, Abbatis Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale Sacræ Scripturæ, Figuris XXX. Antiquitates Judaicas respræsentantibus exornatum. è gallico in latinum transtulit Joannes Dominicus Mansi, Congregationis Matris Dei, Lucensis. Editio novissima. Supplementis auctoris (Locis suis insertis) Locupletata, et ab innumeris mendis, quibus allæ scatent, expurgata. 2 vols, 3rd ed., vol. 1: XVIII p., [II p.], CXLIV p., 616 p. [=780 p.]; vol. 2: 679 p., Augsburg. vol. 1: Vera Effigies Augustini Calmet Abbatis Senonensis Aetatis (frontispiece) title-page vignette Tabula Terræ promissæ (p. 1), Tabula peculiaris Regionum &c. (p. 1), Arbor genealogica descendentium Adam et Evæ (p. 26), Ara Thymiamatum (p. 108), Arca Fœderis (p. 113), Columnæ Jachin et Booz (p. 191), Candelabrum aureum (p. 204), Tabula Itineris, & Stationum Israelitarum in Deserto (p. 216), Altare Holocaustorum (p. 424), Novus Conspectus veteris Jerusalem (p. 460), Levitarum vestitus (p. 582); vol. 2: Mandragora cum suis floribus et fructu (p. 18), Dudaim seu Mauz Arabum (p. 18), Systema Creationos Mundi Iuxta Moysem (p. 68, 2 pages), Arbor genealogica descendentium Noë (p. 120), Tabula paradisi terrestris (p. 159), Tephilim seu Phylacteria Iudæorum (p. 214), Tabula panum propositionis (p. 243), Pectorale seu Rationale Judicii (p. 276), Summus Pontifex vestibus pontificalibus indutus (p. 307), Habitus Simplicis Sacerdotis (p. 307), Varia Falsa Numina a Samaritairis adorata (p. 334), Tabernaculum (p. 433), Theraphim Simulacra Iuxta Hebræos (p. 462), Nummi judaici (p. 600, 3 pages), Numismata Romana (p. 600), folio,


Taylor, Charles and Calmet, Augustin (1812-1817): Calmet‘s Great Dictionary of the Holy Bible, historical, critical, geographical, and etymological. Wherein are explained all the proper names in the Old and New Testament, of men, women, cities, countries, rivers, mountains, &c. Also most of the significant and remarkable appellatives. With accounts of the natural productions, animals, vegetables, minerals, stones, gems, &c. The antiquities, habits, buildings, and other curiosities of the Jews. With an ample chronological table of the history of the Bible, Jewish Calendar, tables of the Hebrew coins, weights and measures, reduced to our own, &c. &c. Revised, corrected, and augmented, with an entirely new set of plates, explanatory, illustrative, and ornamental ; under the direction of C. Taylor. In four [sic] volumes. 5 vols, 1st ed., vol. 1: XIV, [653] p. (no pagination); vol. 2: [892] p. (no pagination); vol. 3: 538, XII p.; vol. 4: VI, 536, XVI, [IV] p.; vol. 5: X p., p. [11]-468. [86] p., p. [469]-496, Charlestown. vol. 3: frontispiece: Innocence., various illustrations throughout the volume; vol. 4: various illustrations throughout the volume (for an overview see p. XVI, 3rd count); vol. 5: various illustrations on the 86 pages between p. 468 and [469], 4°,

Taylor, Charles and Calmet, Augustin (1797-1801): Calmet‘s Great Dictionary of the Holy Bible: Historical, critical, geographical, and etymological: wherein are explained, all the proper names in the old and new testament, men, women, cities, countries, rivers, mountains, &c. also most of the significant and remarkable appellatives: with accounts of the natural productions, animals, vegetables, minerals, stones, gems, &c. The antiquities, habits, buildings, and other curiosities of the Jews. With an ample chronological table of the history of the bible, jewish calendar, tables of the hebrew coins, weights and measures, reduced to our own, &c. &c. revised, corrected, and augmented, with an entirely new set of plates, explanatory, illustrative, and ornamental; under the direction of C. Taylor. 2 vols, 2nd ed., vol. 1: XVIII p., 2 p., [6], 650 p.; vol. 2: [IV p.], 747 p., 36 p., 103 p. [=890 p.], London. vol. 1: frontispiece; vol. 2: frontispiece, 4°,

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  1. Institut für Romanistik